Mondays in climate emergency

There is a brief guide to the principles informing daily prayer in climate emergency here.

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— ɷˡˡ̷ —

God is the Lord, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it. [Isaiah 42:5]

Who is it that we seek?
We seek God: Maker, Begotten and Upholding.
Let’s seek God with all our heart
Amen. God be our centre.
Let’s seek God with all our soul
Amen. God be our vision.
Let’s seek God with all our mind
Amen. God be our wisdom.
Let’s seek God with all our strength
Amen. God be our souls’ shelter.

God, by your Spirit, move over the face of our hearts and minds.
order our decisions, enliven our attitudes and
enlighten our thinking; enticing our reflection towards  your Wisdom.
Reader: Let us listen for the word of life.
The Psalms and readings are announced and read. When all have been read:
Reader: God has sent forth the word
May it not return empty.
A framework for reflection, using the pattern of the Lord’s prayer may be used. We resume with a canticle:

You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honour and power,
for you made all things,
by your will everything persists
and was created *

Hallowed be your name in the Beloved by the Spirit;
as in the beginning, so now and for ever. Amen.

A collect may be said

Everliving God, the heavens declare your praise and yet cannot contain your glory. We join with all creation in honouring you.
Expressions of praise and thanks may be shared here
Blessèd are you, creator God;
to you be glory and praise for ever!
Your Breath was over the unformed creation, and your Spirit overshadowed Mary as the Christ was enwombed, and now flares up, intimating your delight in us, reassuring that we are your children,
Our God In heaven, you are as a father and a mother to us:
Hallowed be your name!

Creator God, send your Spirit forth to bring abundant life to human desolations: free us with truth; awaken us to the urgencies of just such times as this; empower the dispossessed.
There is a prayer guide here a selection of prayer concerns relating to the environment here and other resources here to help pray about climate-related matters… prayers or biddings, ending with:
Send forth your Spirit:
And renew the face of the earth. **
Create justice,
Grow peace
Renew creation.
… prayers or biddings, ending with:
Send forth your Spirit:
And renew the face of the earth.
Everliving Lover of our souls, you draw all people to yourself, wooing us Spirit to spirit. We remember before you hearts and minds in need of turning to truth, life and love.
 prayers or biddings. The leader ends this section with:
Send forth your Spirit:
And renew the face of the earth.

Passionately faithful God; may the eternal flame of your Spirit burn in our souls and warm the lives we touch in person, process or in prayer.
prayers or biddings may be added here, ending with
Breathe your Spirit forth:
And renew the depths of our lives.

Provisioning God upholding all things by your Spirit, sustain us with the daily bread which earth has given and human hands have made
prayers or biddings for God’s provision may be added here, ending with
Breathe your Spirit forth:
And renew the depths of our lives.

We acknowledge that we have doused your Spirit, turned aside from Wisdom and begrudged others

Set aside our wrongs, we implore, help us to truly turn
to know
and offer
joyful forgiveness,

Breathe your Spirit forth:
And renew the depths of our lives.
Let us attend; Christ breathes upon us the peace and forgiveness of God.
a moment for quiet reflection on our forgiveness.

Father may your Spirit overshadow us: in all that challenges; do not let us fall away from you.
before God we think about the coming hours.
When we are becalmed
blow us forward into your purposes.
If we grow cold towards your ways and purposes,
Rekindle your love in our spirits.
If we find ourselves tested in a dry place,
Water our souls.
In our living of this day:
yours be the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.




 *  Revelation 4:11
** See Psalm 104:30

Daily Prayer in climate emergency navigation page -for reference.

One response to “Mondays in climate emergency”

  1. I’m trying to suss out whether it’s better to have biblical references attached more-or-less directly to the text in place in the liturgy, or whether as footnotes. Both strategies can be seen in this form -which is better?


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