Daily Prayer in Climate Emergency

The growing collection of daily prayers in the climate emergency can be seen further down. This collection is not yet complete, so come back here to see what’s new. The hope is that every so often a new office /form will be posted -often as it is tested out during a season. Any thoughts or comments you have, put into the comments section for whichever form you’re commenting on and those comments will be collected in due course and may inform further edits and the collection.

Don’t feel constrained to only use forms on their named day: each day has a salvation-history theme and so could be used more extensively during appropriate times of year; Sundays for Easter, Mondays -Pentecost, Tuesdays -Advent, Wednesdays -Incarnation, Thursdays -Epiphany, Fridays -Lent and Passion, Saturdays -Kingdom and saints.

| Sundays | Mondays | Tuesdays | Wednesdays | Thursdays | Fridays | Saturdays |

There are now some seasonal orders of prayer: Lent in Climate Emergency, Eastertide in Climate Emergency, Pentecost in Climate Emergency, Transfiguration in Climate Emergency, Season of Creation in Climate Emergency, Magnificat Days in Climate Emergency, The Season of Holy Revenance (Kingdomtide), Nativity in Climate Emergency and Epiphany in Climate Emergency … Watch this space: more are being worked on.

There is also a more general ‘climate office‘ where the focus is much more on the climate crisis -just in case you’d like to use that occasionally.

Here’s the basic thinking behind the daily forms…

Many governments and organisations and churches have recognised that we are in a climate emergency, echoing the deep and consuming concerns of many of us about the accelerating effects of human production of carbon dioxide through industrial processes producing extreme weather events more frequently and changing the biomes of the world faster than living forms can adapt, leading to extinctions and precarity where once there was abundance. Added to this we find ourselves contemplating the harms of plastics leaking into ecosystems and the loss of natural wonders and beauty.

As we pray daily, many of the resources we have inherited to help us in our regular prayer, often do not acknowledge the climate emergency (many because they were written before it). On the other hand there are other prayer resources make the environment and climate concerns the whole of their concern. The difficulty with those which do not really mention it, is that we find ourselves not offered explicit encouragements, ways or words to lay before God our climate-related concerns. Yet, as we pray, those concerns are there with us and within us anyway -tangling up mentally with the words and prayers laid out for us to use. Yet, the difficulty with the very focused liturgies -that present only environmental themes and prayers- is that we do also come with other concerns in our hearts and minds: we still have work and family concerns, matters among our friends and in our churches, projects and outreach which are not directly related to climate change.

The main principle of the materials in this collection of daily prayer for climate emergency, is to work between those two approaches, holding both together. So, the aim is to acknowledge climate concerns explicitly and to offer words and ideas in prayer that allow for environmental appreciation, reflection and distress to be expressed and also to give room and means to reflect on and express other, everyday, concerns and other areas of interest to be laid before God. In short, to enable regular prayer in a climate emergency where other aspects of life go on.

Being as this is a collection under the ‘our common prayer’ banner, there is a basic commitment to the main part of the prayers following the outline and commitments of the Lord’s Prayer -check out the principles here.

One response to “Daily Prayer in Climate Emergency”

  1. […] This was imagined originally to be used with online learning events and potentially at IRL events where concern for the climate emergency is in mind. It is envisaged that the first section of the order of prayer is used at the beginning and then the majority of the session takes place and in the last five minutes or so the final prayers would be used to round of the event. There are also forms for daily prayer in climate emergency. […]


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