Pandemical Prayer

Grieving and hope; lockdown and yearning.

Together with all in Christ, we wait
Come Holy Spirit; soak into our deepest being
We pray together with all your people
Come Holy Spirit; breeze through our staleness.
We will hear the scriptures together
Come Holy Spirit; fire up our imaginations for good

Scripture reading – Psalms and readings here

There may be a pause to reflect on the reading, heart-quietly or out-loud. A time of discussion, learning and sharing may take place and continue with the form of prayer below, ordered according to the pattern of the Lord’s prayer.

We did not receive a spirit that makes us slaves to fear
By your Spirit, You hold us as your children
God of compassion and all comfort
We rest in your loving-kindness, O God,
your praise reaches to the ends of the earth;
your right hand is full of justice.
Hallowed be your name in the Beloved by the Spirit,
As in the beginning so now and forever. Amen.

We ask for God’s eternal-life-giving to be known in our world in this between-the-moments time, saying: Living God
change the world for good
Strengthen the prophetic voices and embolden the visionaries of business as better than we’re used-to; Living God
change the world for good.
In our world’s global community, in our world’s living systems, strengthen ecological resilience; Living God
change the world for good.
Among those who are alone, intimate your loving presence; Living God
change the world for good.
In your church, waiting indoors in viral fear and for love of neighbour, grow generous, articulate and timely witness; Living God
change the world for good
Let those who speak for health of planet and people be heard above the din of commerce and the roar of industry; Living God
change the world for good
Where there are people infected, exposed and vulnerable; ​mobilise healing, support and protection; Living God
change the world for good
In deliberations of the powerful, amplify compassionate thinking and wise discernment leading to courageous action; Living God
change the world for good.
Among essential workers, labouring with threat of illness, wrest for them protection and continued provision; Living God
change the world for good
For those whose home is not a place of safety, open up refuge and security, Living God
change the world for good
As we wait indoors, gestate new life for future response and present ministry; Living God
change the world for good
For the unemployed and less-employed, break out the means to live well; Living God
change the world for good.
Where young and old, well and infirm are held together in unfamiliar life patterns, inspire wisdom, forbearance and joy; Living God
change the world for good
Nurture among us the treasures of confinement, birth business not as usual but as you shall see it on earth as in heaven; Living God
change the world for good.
When we come forth, unbind us and give us to our neighbours  for lively service and joyful sharing of the good things we have found; Living God
change the world for good
Open us to the tears of the wider world, let them bring us to compassionate service; Living God
change the world for good.
Wisen us to co-create fitting honours for those who have died and to deepen capacity for collective lament; Living God
change the world for good
Underline in hearts and minds the connections between this crisis and the continued dying of the ecosystem; Living God
change the world for good.
Foster discernment and provide the means to expose the false stories that offer legitimacy to destructive practices and habits; Living God
change the world for good
Among all your people, warm the hearts of poets and fire up the zeal of prophets to win minds and allegiances; Living God
change the world for good
Work healing into our atmosphere, seas and the living systems of the world; Living God
change the world for good
Raise up solidarity, salve hurting minds and hearts and unseat the forces arrayed against us; Living God
change the world for good

Among all whose lives our lives touch, friends, colleagues and families
(pause to recollect these before God)
Living God
change the world for good.
Other biddings, out-loud or in heart-quiet, may be added here, ending each:
Living God
change the world for good.

In our needs and weakness in our provision and supply, Living God:
change the world for good.
holding before God our own needs …
O God, your unstinting providence sustains the world, our lives, our living: Take care for us, and keep us ever mindful that our common weal flows from each other’s toil and care.   Amen. *

Full-lively God, we come to you sorrowing for our weaknesses and unbelief.
          Recollection of what we need to confess.
We have colluded with deathliness, and failed to live the new life of the risen Christ.
Merciful God, forgive us.
And restore us to life.
We have laid others in the tomb of our unforgiveness, enshrouding them in our contempt, withholding words of life.
Forgive us, Merciful God
And restore us to life-giving.
Let us attend; Christ breathes upon us the peace and forgiveness of God.
          A moment for quiet reflection on our forgiveness.
Through our tears and our laughter, our fears and our hope; Living God
change the world for good.
Jesus comes to us and says, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
He breathes on us and says; “Receive the Holy Spirit”
       ….Pause, breathe in, imagine the hours ahead recognising God’s Spirit is with us.
Let us bless the Lord:
Thanks be to God
Who gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.

*Adapted from a prayer in Compline, The Book of Common Prayer, ECUSA, 1979

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