Abba Father: sung prayer

The song ‘Abba Father, let me be…’ (Dave Bilbrough) seemed ripe for ‘tweaking’ into a sung version of the Lord’s prayer. I had in mind using it, say, as a midday prayer. There are a couple of points where the scansion may trip you up and I think it might be helpful for me to see whether I can sort a musical notation version to help at those points. Specifically: v.1 line 4, ‘grace’ should be sung on the third note, ‘your’ should extend over the first two notes. On line 6, ‘you never’ is sung one syllable per note -the original version may mislead you into having two notes for the first syllable. Similarly for line 6 of the third verse.

Abba, Father, hallowed be
hallowed be your name.
You are loving, just and kind
your grace ever the same.
We your children, you our God;
You never let us go.
Abba Father, hallowed be
hallowed be your name

Loving Parent, may your peace
grow in all the earth.
your agenda be fulfilled;
bring your will to birth.
As we seek your kindly reign
give us bread and means.
Loving Father, may your peace
grow in all the earth.

Lay aside our sins O God
bring us back to Life;
we forgive each others’ wrongs
-save our souls from strife.
Keep us on your path O God
Save us from going astray.
From temptation lead us, God
Out of wrong show the way.

To hear the basic melody with unobtrusive accompaniment, try this.

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